Saturday, December 1, 2007

A small window of hope

My good friends and family would attest to the fact (probably with an exasperated roll of the eyes) that I've been pining to get out of advertising for almost a decade. Over those years, I've developed an insatiable appetite for all things food - a sick obsession, some might say. My usual state of analysis paralysis has kept me from taking a leap thus far, but lately I've become hyper-aware of the passing of time and I realize if I don't do something about this now, I'll find myself on my deathbed with this unrealized passion still running through my veins.

Recently I shuffled my feet slightly in the right direction by finding an internship at "RestoX", a small, intimate family-owned restaurant in a quaint brownstone-lined neighborhood in Brooklyn, owned by "ChefX," just a really cool guy. Period.

With the suggestion of a few friends, I started this blog to document my experience and extensive notes. If you're reading this, be prepared to run into a whole lot of culinary minutiae - maybe you'll find them just as fascinating as they are to me, but if you find you'd rather skim, I promise not to be insulted. My hope is to look back on this post 6 months from now and be amazed at how far I've progressed. Here's to a new beginning...


Marichelle said...

Thank you so much for stopping by and introducing yourself - as you said, it's great to meet people in the same boat! I love your blog and will definitely be reading the archives. Who knows... one day your restaurant and my giftshop can open side by side on a perfect tree-lined nyc block! -Marichelle